-:- what people say -:-
I was curious as to what real people think about Britney Spears. I was amazed at some of the replies.
Currently, I have only a few because most people were brain damaged and said, "uh..." or something
equally intellegent. -:- grrrr -:- Well, here is what I have. Please
send me your replies!
I passed around a paper; at the top, it said, "-Write your thoughts on B.S.- (keep them short please)."
I had to clarify some crackheads about what B.S. was, but they'll survive.
- Nathan R., 15
-"Sex. That's it."
- Cydney M., 15
-"She seems superficial and fake..."
- Tiffany N., 15
-"I don't know. I don't like her. No comment."
- Andrew S., 15
-"I'd do her." (This comment was followed by a quick handshake of approval from Nathan, above, and a sudden outburst of Hell Yeah!)
- John S., 15
-"I would too!" (Several grunts of approval from Nathan and Andrew.)
- Stephan F., 15
-"She sucks; that's why I like her." (Well, that comment came about with a little help from me.)
- Ian D., 15
-"Ooh, she seems very...'outgoing'. I'd do her..."
- Melissa G., 12
-"A blonde-haired lesbian whore."
- Courtney P., 15
-"I thinks she's an undercover whore."
- Zekkiyyah P., 14
-"She has tight songs, but that's it. She looks fake. You just can't lip sync at every concert..you just don't so that. I believe she got some dyke in her."
- Kevin G., 14
-"I don't think she can sing but otherwise she's okay."
- Keitra M., 13
-"She's okay, but she messed up her performance on the VMA's. She looks stinky on the Sometimes video."
- Michael W., 15
-"She looks good, she can't sing."
- Elise S., 14
-"Bitch, whore, skank...no further comments."
- Melanie S., 15
-"She's a Barbie Doll wanna-be."
- Bekah R., 15
-"...well...she's B.S. (hehe)."
- Katrina D., 15
-"B.S. is the reason why most preppy wihte guys are gay."
- Indira T., 15
- Jessica G., 15
-"B.S. needs to get her hormones in check."
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